AIR ENERGY will go to any lengths or heights to look after their customers.
Here a new compressor is being installed by Air Energy in the Melbourne Southbank premises of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. Air Energy were selected to provide the best air compressor system and compressed air equipment to exacting standards of air purity and to project manage the challenging installation.
The Forensic Medicine Laboratory required very high quality, contaminant free compressed air for their tests. Air Energy experience on selection of filters and compressed air dryer was part of the whole picture.
This inner Melbourne site was a challenge surrounded by tall buildings like the Eureka tower in the background. The compressor equipment had to be craned onto the roof then lowered to a floor below for the compressed air installation. Pipework in maxair meant that the clean dry compressed air was delivered to all the points of use with minimum pressure drop and air quality not compromised.
Air Energy has the experience to provide solutions for your compressed air needs. We can conduct compressed air audits and specify the most cost effective compressed air equipment tailored to your needs. We design, supply and install compressed air pipework in maxair blue pipe, HDPE poly pipe, aluminium pipe or stainless steel Europress to your requirements.